Total Survey Design
Total Survey Design is a podcast for explaining the complexities of survey design. This podcast serves a diverse audience, including small business owners, nonprofits, industry professionals, academics, and students. Each season features 10 to 20 concise episodes, each lasting 5 to 20 minutes, covering topics from survey utility to sample sizes, and question design to total survey error. Episode content includes insightful discussions, expert interviews, and special event coverage to enhance your survey skills and understanding.
Total Survey Design
An Interview with James McCall, Survey Methodologist
In this episode, we interview James McCall, a survey methodologist at Westat. James shares what first drew him to surveys, and what drove him into a career of surveys. We talk about his role as a survey methodologist in industry. We discuss cognitive testing, data scripts, and other elements of the art and science of survey design. We also discuss our pet-peeves, such as matrix questions, check-all-that-apply questions, pre-testing, having too-short timelines, and more. James also shares advice for social scientists who are interested in pursuing a career in survey methodology.
Find us online at: instagram.com/totalsurveydesign/
Contact us at: totalsurveydesign@gmail.com